Page Transition
Image Sequence
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Find out about all historical changes made to Motion.page plugin.
Minor Release
October 11, 2024
[new] Mouse Follower trigger
[new] Tooltip Cursor trigger
[new] Multi-drag - Timeline component in the UI allow nodes to reside in any position
[tweak] Allow CSS variables in the color fields
[fix] Advanced Code Field component will not retain the value if cleared via backspace
[fix] Advanced Code Field change button was not switching back to Basic Code Field
[fix] UI not loading in rare cases
Patch Release
May 14, 2024
[fix] Issue with database upgrade
[fix] Lottie not working in some cases
[fix] Exclude CSS from Draw Attention plugin in the builder
Patch Release
April 30, 2024
[new] From/To custom code field allows the use of MorphSVG plugin
[fix] Motion Path validation schema - use default type if value is invalid
[fix] Safari builder page refresh issue
[fix] Remove other instances of GSAP - works only if there are activate timelines on the page
Various minor tweaks, bug resolutions and additional improvements
Patch Release
March 30, 2024
[new] Remove other instances of GSAP library on the frontend [Experimental]
[tweak] Image Sequence - offload images loading to the Worker thread
[tweak] Image Sequence Transcoder - multi-threaded transcoding for faster processing
[tweak] Image Sequence Transcoder - support Arc browser and Firefox version >= 119
[tweak] Two new PHP filters (motionpage/utils/disableMobile & motionpage/utils/gsapDeferAsync)
[tweak] Scripts and files should have better exclude support for optimization plugins
[tweak] ScrollTrigger refresh script transpiled as ES6
[tweak] Faster post/page fetching in the builder
[tweak] Remove new post types from WP 6.5, that are not needed in the builder
[tweak] SelectorScanner will look for a unique parent selector for Breakdance images
[tweak] Lottie integration now supports also dotLottie
[fix] Save Button - incorrect behaviour on Mouse Movement trigger
[fix] Additional selectors in the generated code for ScrollTrigger start/end (in rare cases)
[fix] ScrollSmoother option "Move fixed elements outside the wrapper" issue with Bricks builder
[fix] Global Settings config loss during the site migration
[fix] Data validation issue caused by empty "Offset from element" input field in Image Sequence
[fix] No Posts error notice on empty Oxygen templates
[fix] Three missing tooltips
[fix] NumPad Enter should work as Enter in the builder
[fix] Prevent "Cookie Yes" to show in the builder iframe
[fix] Replace FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING with htmlspecialchars for better PHP 8.1 compatibility
[fix] Prevent error #011 when the issue is non-existent
[fix] Timeline playhead component - issue with the playhead position
[fix] ClickCopy - better compatibility with different browsers
[upgrade] GSAP 3.12.5
Various minor tweaks, bug resolutions and additional improvements
Patch Release
November 6, 2023
[tweak] Three new PHP filters
[tweak] Exclude Motion.poge files from Speedien plugin (Nestify)
[fix] Page Exit code rendered by accident on the frontend (in some cases)
[fix] LazyLoaded browser event - refresh script disabled by default
Patch Release
October 21, 2023
[fix] Split Text missing in the actual code (in some cases)
[fix] ScrollTrigger Custom Code Field - issue with nested objects
[fix] ScrollTrigger pin hanging in DOM after removal (in some cases)
[fix] Exclude Motion.page from Page Optimize plugin
[fix] Prevent Image Sequence from loading in ARC browser (as it is not supported by the browser)
Patch Release
October 8, 2023
[fix] Wrong number of parameters in the plugin action links
Patch Release
October 7, 2023
[tweak] ScrollTrigger refresh function hooked to document lazyloaded event
[tweak] Optimole compat layer
[fix] WP Meteor compat layer
[fix] Save button duplicate action
Patch Release
September 20, 2023
[fix] Error #002A | #002B that impacted specific server configurations
[fix] Incorrect styling of the update notice
Patch Release
September 16, 2023
[fix] Zod data validation schema
Minor Release
September 14, 2023
[new] Mouse Movement
[new] MotionPath integration
[new] Client Mode
[new] Zoom/Unzoom timeline component
[new] ScrollTrigger clamp
[new] ScrollSmoother speed option
[new] Smooth scroll to hash anchor on page load
[new] Better WPML & Polylang support - sync timelines across all languages (UI toggle)
[new] Disable ScrollSmoother on frontend for admin users (UI toggle)
[new] Page Events are wrapped with gsap.context
[tweak] Database table split into two tables
[tweak] Image Sequence- Support for WebP as a transparent image format
[tweak] Image Sequence - Device Pixel Ratio
[tweak] Display spinner component during deletion of image sequence files
[tweak] Use 'motionpage/action/front' to confirm plugin's frontend activity
[tweak] Option to hide quick action link (Edit with Motion.page)
[tweak] Ease dropdown indicates that users can either select or input the ease
[tweak] Improved code compression in certain scenarios
[tweak] Option to change license key by holding down arrow key during builder launch
[tweak] Updated icon for the timeline visibility toggle
[tweak] License keys are hashed in the database
[tweak] Smooth anchor links support URLs starting with '#' or '/#'
[tweak] Image Sequence - image decoding attribute set to async during lazy load
[tweak] Better multi-site support
[tweak] Image Sequence supports .mov and .webm files
[tweak] Additional filters in the library
[fix] UI displays consistent breakpoint values as saved ones
[fíx] Custom Transition plugin supports transition CSS property
[fix] Resolved timeline duplication inconsistencies
[fix] Load CustomEase plugin when gsap.parseEase is used in the custom code field
[fix] Posts API returns an empty array if no posts are available
[fix] Quick action link (Edit with Motion.page) loads the correct iframe URLs
[fix] Custom Code Field resolved function name issues
[fix] Generated code compiles to ES2015 (ES6) instead of ES2016
[fix] Proper license removal upon uninstallation
[UI] Introduced new sections in global settings
[UI] Slider adjusts value with mouse click-n-drag
[upgrade] GSAP 3.12.2
Various minor tweaks, bug resolutions and additional improvements
Major Release & Redesign
February 16, 2023
[new] Redesigned UI
[new] Light theme
[new] Image Sequence + Video transcoder
[new] SplitText
[new] Custom code block in ScrollTrigger and From/To properties
[new] Modify/edit selector with the right-click
[new] Sticky/Fixed elements are automatically moved outside of ScrollSmoother wrapper
[new] Image Sequence Shortcode mp-canvas
[new] Remove all data and license on uninstall, can be enabled from the Builder Settings pane
[new] Opt-in for receiving Beta releases from the Builder Settings pane
[new] ScrollTrigger custom code field allows the use of ScrambleText plugin
[new] CookieBot compatibility with motionpage/utils/cookieconsent filter
[new] Sync Motion.page iframe reload with Elementor save button (same page)
[new] Quick Action Links in the admin
[tweak] All generated code is ES6 compatible
[tweak] ScrollSmoother won't run on mobile devices if touch is set to zero
[tweak] Hide full license key in login screen
[tweak] Lower memory consumption during posts/pages fetching (~8% less)
[tweak] Increase memory limit for post/pages fetching on excesive posts/page count
[tweak] Flush permalink rewrite rules on plugin activation and update
[tweak] Support for rem, em, vh, vw, vmin, vmax units in Translate and Dimensions
[tweak] Support for "center" in ScrollTrigger element positions
[tweak] Optimized PHP code loading / performance
[tweak] Initiate SelectorDetector on input focus
[tweak] SelectorDetector disables when selector is added by pressing an enter key
[tweak] Hide invalid selectors in SelectorDetector
[tweak] Show notice on timeline show / hide toggle from library tab
[tweak] Show diod indicator if any values are enabled in advanced targeting/options
[tweak] Timeline shows "No page assigned" instead of spinner if the page ID is not found
[tweak] Hide Repeat / Stagger icon from timeline if the value is set to 0
[tweak] 0019 issue notice explains how to fix the issue
[tweak] WordPress filters - naming consistency
[tweak] Close builder dropdowns on scroll
[tweak] Tooltips positioning
[tweak] Suggested selectors in Lottie
[tweak] ScrollTrigger ToggleActions - hide selected option in the dropdown
[fix] Breakpoints settings (new range option)
[fix] Timeline node drag and resize issues
[fix] In some cases, there was need to click twice to play the timeline
[fix] Issue with importing timelines from other sites
[fix] Bypass reduced motion state on toggle
[fix] Range slider input component
[fix] Error when stagger value is changed back to 0
[fix] ScrollTrigger Pin issue
[fix] Allow 0 as a value inside Filters
[fix] Missing timeline trigger on individual timelines if trigger was empty
[fix] Number inputs correct values during initialization
[fix] Missing builder CSS polyfills for older browsers
[fix] Modals work correctly in Safari and Firefox
[fix] Proper handling of unsupported browsers in the builder
[fix] Incorrectly loaded builder CSS on specific server configs
[fix] Long selector badge
[fix] Multiple export/delete from library
[fix] Missing Oxygen template in some cases in advanced targeting
[upgrade] GSAP 3.11.4
[deprecated] Dropped support for PHP version lower than 7.4
[lib] Removal of Chakra Number Inputs
Various minor changes, bug fixes and additional improvements
Patch Release
January 1, 2023
[fix] Issue with the builder not loading after downgrading to 1.6.6 from 2.0.0
[fix] Issue with removing multiple timelines from library
[fix] Incorrect unit switch
Patch Release
October 25, 2022
[fix] Node duration change not working correctly in some cases
[fix] Advanced targeting (Oxygen template) not loading correctly for logged-out users
[fix] ScrollTrigger timeline repeat YoYo effect - incorrectly generated value
Patch Release
September 23, 2022
[tweak] Possibility to write down any ease in the easing dropdown
[tweak] Less code on the front-end
[tweak] SiteGround Optimizer compatibility - Auto exclude list/function
[tweak] ScrollTrigger offset position values
[fix] ScrollSmoother - loading corrected on pages without ScrollTrigger
[fix] ScrollSmoother - disabled reactivation after value change
[fix] Timeline component node - incorrect values after browser zoom in/out
[fix] Prevent builder breakage if wp_debug outputs a warning inside the API request (PHP 8.1.9)
[fix] PHP warning that emerged after post fetch
[lib] Removal of Axios library
Patch Release
September 23, 2022
[fix] Lottie selectors accepts IDs and classes correctly
[fix] _mp_refresher uses global window variable
[downgrade] GSAP 3.10.4
Patch Release
September 13, 2022
[ui] Left panel overlay during iframe URL change
[fix] ScrollTrigger refresh function
[fix] Wrong values during nodes switching
Patch Release
September 6, 2022
[new] Possibility to use RegEx inside Advanced Targeting
[tweak] Possibility to animate CSS variables in Custom value fields (scans root, HTML & body for CSS variables)
[tweak] Resize the timeline by grabbing any point at the top
[tweak] Possibility to use days property inside mp-block shortcode (default is 30)
[tweak] Auto exclude GSAP files from WP-Rocket (with rocket_delay_js_exclusions filter)
[tweak] Possibility to use _mp_refresher function, which will sort and refresh all ScrollTriggers on the page
[tweak] Query parameters /?mp=preview or /?mp=dbid1 bypass reduced motion
[ui] Expand animation selector input on focus
[ui] Wider value fields for custom and filter properties
[fix] Browser's back and forward buttons on page exit triggered timelines
[fix] Using double quotes in selector inputs without breaking
[fix] Iframe refresh on page select
[fix] Timeline playhead issues
[fix] Non-working filters in UI
[update] GSAP 3.11.1
Various minor changes, fixes, and improvements
Patch Release
August 20, 2022
[fix] Issue with iframe loading on specific sites
Minor Release
August 19, 2022
[new] Lottie
[new] DrawSVGPlugin
[new] Select colors with Eye Dropper (works with HTTPS and the latest Chromium browsers)
[new] mp-block & mp-unblock shortcodes - allow users to block timelines on frontend
[new] Preview timelines on frontend via URL query [e.g. /?mp=dbid1 || multiple split with - or ,]
[tweak] Faster loading time of the builder
[tweak] Possibility to use a different selector for the 2nd click for the click event
[tweak] Possibility to use multiple filters
[tweak] ScrollSmoother refresh function after page load
[tweak] Possibility to close SelectorDetector with ESC key
[tweak] Exit browser notice if there is an unsaved timeline
[tweak] CloudFlare rocket loader - cfasync=false attribute for all GSAP files
[fix] Suppress PHP warnings when the database is not up-to-date with a builder
[fix] Non-working Hue Rotate filter
[fix] Non-working Border Color
[fix] Background Position
[fix] Wrongly displayed viewport units on first load inside UI
[fix] Correct license input field on new installations
[fix] Prevent duplicate IDs on import
[fix] Timeline playhead issue
[fix] Markers disappearing or at wrong positions
[ui] Split From / To properties to Visual and Functional
Various minor changes, fixes and improvements
Patch Release
May 31, 2022
[fix] Versioning system & Update system
Patch Release
May 25, 2022
[fix] ScrollSmoother input resulting in black screen
[fix] Prevent black screen if builder loading takes longer
Minor Release
May 23, 2022
[new] ScrollSmoother plugin
[new] 3D Transform property
[new] Page Exit triggered by specific selectors
[new] Sync Motion.page iframe reload with Oxygen or Bricks save button (same page)
[new] Timeline repeat delay option
[new] Disable post types inside builder
[tweak] Speed improvements on post fetching
[tweak] Loader overlay if action might take longer then expected
[fix] Advanced targeting not properly working in some cases
[ui] Settings moved to a top-right panel
[ui] Feature request button/link
[update] GSAP 3.10.4
Various minor changes, fixes and improvements
Minor Release
March 29, 2022
[new] Target timelines by the Post Type, Oxygen templates or URL
[new] Filter timelines in the library
[new] WordPress multisite support
[new] Repeat / Loop the whole timeline
[new] From / To context menu on right-click [Duplicate, Toggle, Clear, Copy, Paste]
[new] Pause "page load" event timelines before execution
[new] Custom PHP filters for targeting timelines content and execution
[new] Ease in the custom property now accepts cubic-bezier or path string values
[new] Hover - restart timeline on mouse leave
[new] Option to bypass 'prefers-reduced-motion' for a single timeline
[tweak] Remove JetEngine data-url attributes and prevent click inside the builder
[tweak] Custom Toggle Actions
[tweak] Toggle Actions new property "play reverse play reverse" [Always reverse on scroll backwards]
[tweak] Highlight timeline name on library right click
[tweak] Auto-scale timeline component preview length if the timeline is longer than the preview length
[tweak] Better error handling (notice in the bottom right corner)
[tweak] Prevent page exit timeline by targeting wrapper parent (#wrapperID.ignore-exit)
[tweak] Ease & Filter - search by typing
[tweak] Imports with different post ID are assigned to homepage ID on change from the library
[fix] Plain Permalinks compatibility
[fix] ScrollTrigger start/end offset issue
[fix] Ease removal issue + correct naming
[fix] Timeline component preview length is now saved together with the timeline
[fix] Timeline playhead bounds area
[fix] Prevent playhead move upon activating different timeline from the library
[fix] Scroller markers disappeared after iframe refresh
[fix] Piotnet Grid post fetching
[fix] Unsaved timeline not working correctly after iframe reload
[fix] Safari Repeat (yoyo) toggle bug
Various minor changes, fixes and improvements
Minor Release- ScrollTrigger for multiple elements
January 24, 2022
[new] ScrollTrigger - Play each iteration of the class individually when triggered
[new] Copy timeline UID from context menu in the library
[tweak] Prevent builder from breaking if selector is not a valid DOM selector
[tweak] Excluded classes for the Exit trigger can be pasted with and without dot
[tweak] Custom API for fetching all posts by post type name
[tweak:fix] Allow multiple selectors as Click / Hover triggers
[tweak:fix] Usage of optional chaining for event listeners which prevents code breaking
[fix] WordPress 5.9 compatibility
Patch Release
January 11, 2022
[tweak] ScrollTrigger refresh and sort function
[fix] After Load Page Event
Patch Release
January 3, 2022
[update] GSAP 3.9.1
[fix] Playhead tied to old timeline
[fix] Wrongly generated click/hover selector in some cases
Minor Release - Interactions - Click & Hover
January 2, 2022
[new] Click / Hover - Play each iteration of animated class individually when triggered
[new:tweak] Allow timeline restart on Click event
[tweak:breaking] A timeline node without selector takes previous selector instead of the first one
[tweak] Scale value is possible to increment by 2 decimals
[tweak] Suppressed warnings in the console
[fix] It's not possible to place animation node outside of the timeline anymore
[fix] Wrong position in the code for Click/Hover trigger - thus not working properly
[fix] Translate/BGPosition/Dimensions values/units bug
[fix] Breakpoints not working in some cases
[fix] Interactions Click/Hover dropdown bug - wrongly selected trigger after opening existing timeline
[fix] Custom property works again with a comma separated array
Various minor changes, fixes and improvements
Patch Release
December 17, 2021
[fix] Builder will not break during invalid selector
[fix] Weird issue with vendors file names
Patch Release
December 16, 2021
[tweak] Additional SrollTrigger.refresh function that prevents misorder of pined timelines
[tweak:fix] Activate site with http/s prefix inside EDD to prevent domain name mismatch
[fix] Rotation value set to 0 was shown like empty input
[fix] Unnecessary DOMContentLoaded listener wrap on Page Load timelines
Minor Update - ScrollTrigger
December 11, 2021
[new] Possibility to use pin in ScrollTrigger
[new] Adds "play none none reverse" to toggle actions as Reverse on scroll back leave
[new] If prefers-reduced-motion is set to reduce, timelines will not execute on the frontend
[tweak] Disable timeline restart after save
[tweak] Page exit ignored selector not preventing default click (event) action
[tweak] Possibility to use multiple classes as ignored page exit selector (split by comma)
[tweak:fix] Remove visibility:hidden inside iframe (possibility to use body as selector in FromTo)
[fix] Prevent unnecessary re-renders inside builder
[fix] Timelines stacking (in some cases)
Various minor changes, fixes and improvements
Patch Release
December 2, 2021
[fix] Possibility to open timeline with non-existing post
[tweak] Show "Missing Post ID / Title" instead of a spinner on non-existing post
Patch Release
November 30, 2021
[fix] Some values was not removed in from/to
Overcome EDD Unauthorized error by clicking on update badge (when update is available)
Changed exported code when using both from and to (gsap.fromTo)
Various minor changes and fixes
Update GSAP to 3.8.0 (from 3.7.1)
1.0.4 - 1.0.7
Patch Release
November 27, 2021
[partial-fix] CPTs filtering results in black screen
[fix] Variable typo causing PHP Warning
[fix] Prevent 40X errors due to server firewall
[fix] Confirm button loading state
Various minor changes and fixes
Patch Release
November 26, 2021
Fixed CSS styling
Patch Release
November 25, 2021
Possibility to add custom property inside From/To
Disabled XYC shortcuts which in some rare cases randomly switched Builder/Settings
It's possible to use space again in the input selector for advanced selector modifiers
Fixed issue which breaks the builder during scroller input typing
Iframe body color should inherit page body settings or use basic white color
Welcome screen library duplicate option will close the welcome screen
Disabled context menu (right-click), where not needed
Console error if the site has disabled REST API
Console warning if the site does not have a static page as a homepage
Unnecessary load of inline code carrier — now tied to GSAP enqueue
Unnecessary load of wpack.io script/text on the frontend
Various minor changes and fixes
Major Release
November 22, 2024
First Release
Motion.page is born! 🎉
January 11, 2021
Birthday of Motion.page & this readme.
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